Wednesday 21 October 2015

What to do with my left over yarn... ?

I had found myself with with a small bundle of left over yarn from projects I'd completed in the past and wondered what to do with them.  I came across a lovely pattern on Pintrest for crochet coasters
After sitting happily and crocheting coasters I realised a few things;

1.  I had crochet way more coasters than I'd realised.
2.  I still had a lot of left over yarn.

Well seeing as I really didn't think my friends would be into a pile of home made coasters for Christmas presents I decided that I had to re-think things.  Granny squares!  Which of course naturally leads to a granny square blanket. 

This lead me to many happy afternoons and evenings turning the remainder of my left-overs into coasters and the coasters into granny squares. 

Now sometimes I get to a stage in a project where I seem to loose the will to live.  So unfortunately these lovely little granny squares sat around in my closet for the next 6 months before I got up the gumption to finally crochet them together into a lovely blanket

Although these are not colours I would have chosen for a blanket if I was planning it from scratch, I'm still very pleased with the result.  I haven't had the courage to do a big granny square blanket since my rabbit ate through the last one I'd so painstakingly created. 

Well on wards and up wards.  My next project is a heart shaped wall hanging for my daughter.  And I'm going to try my hand at a multi-coloured shrug.

Take care and happy crafting!